The quality of education a child receives is critical for proper development and their academic success. At Do & Li Education, we provide a nurturing and supportive environment, ideal for students to grow and learn to the best of their potential. Our programmes developed for small sized classes are most effective in enabling our teachers/tutors to attend to each student, whilst additionally providing peer-to-peer learning opportunities for competitive growth amongst the students.

Learning is a process that takes time, and every student’s development varies. Do & Li Education aims to provide the right environment and educational materials to assist in achieving strong fundamental academic skills. A strong foundation will enable students to build their academic skills, and develop their knowledge with less difficulty.

While results and examinations are an important summary of the progress of each individual student, relying on them as a sole indicator of a student’s development would not be an accurate representation of their improvements. Do & Li Education provides weekly feedback for parents to track their child’s education level. A consistent form of update will enable parents to be more engaged with their child’s learning progression, and understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Each student should ideally be enrolled into their year group. 

You may enrol at any time during the year. However, we do recommend early enrolment due to limited availability of positions as a result of our more attentive small class structure. Early enrolment will additionally benefit your child in strong development of core fundamental skills in English, Maths and Writing. For more information related to enrolment, payments or lesson packages, do not hesitate to contact us.

Do & Li Education has its own tutoring centre located in Newleaf at Bonnyrigg. The address for the centre is 1 Shoemaker Street Bonnyrigg 2177.

At Do & Li Education, our teachers and tutors are all qualified and have experience working at many schools across NSW. Each of our teachers have their own profiles where you can find more information about them to help you decide who may be a good suit for your child.

Opportunity Class and Selective School Tests are for those students who are excelling at school. Some indicators include: achieving high to outstanding in school reports, performing above the middle 60% of students in NAPLAN and an assessment with a trial test at our tutoring centre. You may consult one of our teachers for further information regarding OC and Selective preparation.